Four Questions To Help You Identify Your Product Niche


So you want to want to take the leap and start your own clothing line. So exciting! Today we’re talking about how to identify a product niche so that you can drill down to something you’re passionate about and that is actually needed by the world.

Don’t know what you’re passionate about? Make sure to take a read through my post on values to get pointed in the right direction. If you’re clear on your values, keep reading.

Four Questions To Help You Identify Your Product Niche

1. What are you constantly looking for in the market place but can’t find?

This one is a sure fire way to find a gap in the market that needs to be served, otherwise know as a product niche.

Can’t find maxi dresses that are the right length for your long legs? Not able to hunt down easy to put on hoodies for your toddlers? Searching high and low for a tee shirt that you can wash a hundred times without it falling apart? Chances are if there is something that you are looking for there are other people that are looking for the same thing. Trust your gut and start somewhere.

2. What do you complain about?

So maybe it’s not clear to you what exactly you are looking for. If you knew that then you would have started already. Duh! Well then, what do you complain about?

My kids grow out of their pants in 3 months and I am constantly needing to buy new ones! Could you created a cuffed style that lasted 6-9 months instead?

I always feel so dumpy in my pajamas! Could you create beautiful comfortable sleep sets?

Take notes in your phone and start to write down those things you complain about in your wardrobe and listen to what other people are saying too. After a week of keeping notes, go back and look through and see if there are any common themes or something that strikes you as a great opportunity.

3. What are you inspired by?

Another avenue you can take is to create purely from inspiration. Maybe you find yourself getting lost in the colours of the sunset or a field of wild flowers. Could you create scarves inspired by these beautiful hues?

Or possibly your local music community has a certain feeling that is calling out for it’s own look. Could you create the a line of the perfect skirts for those afternoon concerts in the park? Your unique daily experiences are worthy of exploration. What moves you and makes you lose track of time? Maybe you or someone you are close to is a in a under served product niche and you’ve never thought of it that way.

4. The ultimate – solve a problem beautifully.

In my experience, the most successful products are those that both solve a problem for people and inspire and delight them in a unique way. Can you create toddler hoodies that are easy to get on and are as beautiful as a field of wild flowers? Now you’ve got something! Let me know where your online shop is because I need them!! People will be drawn to you because of the beauty and will stay because of the value that you have added to their life by solving a problem. Brands that have been able to do this consistently are the ones that have staying power.

Hope this has helped to get the wheels turning. There are so many possibilities out there make sure to go with something that gets YOU excited! You want to spend you time building something you love. Why else are we here.

I would love to hear the ideas you’re tossing around. If you want feedback or to see if your idea resonates with other people, hop on over to our facebook community and share with the group. We would love to hear what you’re thinking out.

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