Want to automatically post to Instagram? Find out what tools allow you to do this NOW

Have you heard about the new social media marketing feature that allows you to schedule content that will automatically post to Instagram? I must admit, when I first saw this pop up in my Tailwind notifications, I thought this would be huge for independent designers and other small business owners. First let's go over why [...]

Five Common Mistakes New Designers Make When Sampling

As you start to build your clothing line, you might be wondering if there are any common mistakes new designers make when sampling. And most importantly, how to avoid them! When you go into the sample development process you want: Your samples to be completed as quickly as possible For the best price possible With [...]

Five Prompts To Narrow In On Your Ideal Customer

Are you struggling to get clear on your ideal customer for your clothing brand? In this blog post and video I walk you through how to Narrow In On Your Ideal Customer and start to engage with them in a powerful and authentic way. To narrow in on your ideal customer, watch the video and [...]

How To Generate A Compelling Product Idea You’re CRAZY About

Guys!!! I did my first Facebook Live today and while it was SCARY to do something new, I loved sharing with everyone a framework to generate a compelling product idea. But you know what? I almost didn't do it. I kept hearing that Live Video is the BEST way to get content to people but [...]